climate- and community-beneficial yarns
from the san Juan Islands fibershed
Our Roots
We tend a thirty-acre historic farm on beautiful San Juan Island. Stewardship of our animals, land, and community is our highest aim. We blend our homegrown wool with fleeces of like character raised by our neighbors so we can help to create a fair, local market for thoughtfully raised fiber. Our mixed flock of North Country Cheviots, Finns, and longwool sheep helps us improve our pastures to sequester carbon, build soil health, and support a diverse ecosystem for pollinators and native species.
Our Yarn
San Juan Woolworks offers fleeces and 100% wool yarns grown and processed right here in the islands of the Salish Sea. Each clip is a unique small batch. We select only the best fleeces for our yarns, and the subtle differences from one shearing to the next are part of the magic of crafting close to the source. We dye our skeins using botanical pigments grown and gathered near home.